Installable for the three-way turnout for C-rails (24630) with electric drive. Digital formats mfx, Motorola and DCC. Connection via plug-in connections, for Märklin and Trix three-way turnouts for C-rails. The address can be set both via the coding switch (MM 1-320, DCC 1-511) and via CV (MM 1-320, DCC 1-2044) with the programming rail. A turnout light can also be controlled, its connection requires knowledge of soldering.
For the electrical drive of the turnouts, a digital decoder can be used at the same time or afterwards. The decoder is simply connected with plug-in connections and can be addressed separately for each turnout. The digital power supply can be tapped directly from the turnout’s power contact. The result is a working digital turnout that can also be used directly in mobile model railroads.