Visit our store
CC Rails
Dendermondse Steenweg 53/0001
9290 OVERMERE (Berlare)
E17: coming from Antwerp: Take the 'Lokeren/Zele' exit and follow the 'Zelebaan' towards Dendermonde. From there the GPS will steer you correctly.
E17: coming from Kortrijk (Or Ghent): Take exit 11 'Beervelde/Lochristi' and turn left on the bridge onto 'Rivierstraat'. From there the GPS will steer you correctly.
E40: coming from Brussels: Drive towards Ghent and take exit 16 'Merelbeke' and follow the direction 'E17 Antwerp'. From there the GPS will steer you correctly.
E40: coming from Ostend: Drive towards Brussels and in Sint-denijs-Westrem take the exit 'E17 Antwerp'. From there the GPS will steer you correctly.

Opening hours
We work with flexible opening hours. This means that it can be different every month. The opening hours for the coming period, stated on our website, are always correct.
Saturday | 08/02 | 09u00-12u00 13u00-17u00 |
Sunday | 09/02 | 09u30-12u00 |
Wednesday | 12/02 | 9u00-12u00 |
Thursday | 13/02 | 10u00-12u00 13u00-17u00 |
Friday | 14/02 | 10u00-12u00 |
Saturday | 15/02 | Closed |
Sunday | 16/02 | Closed |
Thursday | 20/02 | 10u00-12u00 13u00-17u00 |
Friday | 21/02 | 10u00-12u00 |
Saturday | 22/02 | 09u00-12u00 13u00-17u00 |
Sunday | 23/02 | 09u30-12u00 |
Opening hours after these dates are coming online soon |
Call us
Our store:
(Belgian number)
Or from abroad: 0032 (0)9/287.46.06
You can always call us, even if we are not open. We do ask that you do not call in the evening after 8:00 PM or on Sunday afternoon.
Mail us
E-mail 1:
E-mail 2:
You can always send us an email, we follow up on this almost daily. You will receive an answer quickly.
Send us your question
Vul alle velden correct in, anders wordt uw bericht niet verstuurd. Kijk uw e-mail adres goed na. U krijgt snel antwoord. Bedankt!