Showing all 19 results

To see our latest news and additions: Check our 'news' page, CLICK HERE.

1. The secondhand items were taken offline.

We are going back to our old system: second-hand additions based on a numbered photo system, like in the past.

-> 1x per week, at a fixed time, addition of second-hand material via numbered photos,

-> You send your order by email to the specified email address, you indicate what you want: the photo number and then you specify what you want from that photo,

-> first = first, the rule remains. We can only sell each item once, so the key is to be (very) fast.

This will come into effect soon, but there is no exact date yet. We will send another newsletter a few days before we make the first addition.

2. The webshop with NEW items remains online and you can order via the webshop!

Metal replacement rings for Mehano type 77

Available on backorder


Rocky Rail RRL10030 NMBS concrete platform fence

Available on backorder

SKU: RRL10030

Rocky Rail RRL10010 fence

In stock

SKU: RRL10010